SemBeacon at IoT 2023

Exactly one year ago we have released the first version of the POSO ontology together with the OpenHPS module @openhps/rdf that provides serialization between OpenHPS data and models to/from RDF. Since then, we have continued our work towards interoperable positioning systems by means of finding new methods to make applications aware about the presence of positioning systems within a building.

We are proud to say that one of our solutions to this problem called "SemBeacon" will be presented on the 8th of November at the 13th International Conference on the Internet of Things in Nagoya, Japan. SemBeacon is a Bluetooth Low Energy specification and linked data solution that advertises a namespace and instance identifier along with a semantic resource URI and several flags. Together with the POSO ontology, this allows scanners to detect environments, beacons and positioning systems used inside. In addition to the desription of the beacons, these environments can also describe other smart devices or other non-SemBeacon beacons that can aid in the positioning.

Slides can be found here:
or via PDF here:

SemBeacon, OpenHPS and POSO are three projects that are created by PhD candidate Maxim Van de Wynckel under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Beat Signer in the Web & Information Systems Engineering Lab (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)