
About the SemBeacon specification and its maintainers

SemBeacon was designed by Ph.D candidate Maxim Van de Wynckel of the Web & Information Systems Engineering (WISE) Lab under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Beat Signer. SemBeacon is a semantic beacon specification for Bluetooth Low Energy that broadcasts a resource URI containing a full semantic description of the beacon, its location and any other related information.

The specification is built on top of AltBeacon and adds an Eddystone-URL compatible scan response that includes an URI that describes the beacon.

For full details on the specification, check the documentation.



Vrije Universiteit Brussel, DINF
Maxim Van de Wynckel
Pleinlaan 2,
B-1050 Elsene

General: [email protected]
Maxim Van de Wynckel: [email protected]