SemBeacon: A Semantic Proximity Beacon Solution for Discovering and Detecting the Position of Physical Things

Maxim Van de Wynckel, Beat Signer
Web & Information Systems Engineering Lab
Vrije Universiteit Brussel


"A Physical Thing is an abstraction of a physical entity that provides interactions to and participates in the Web of Things"
- W3C Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description 1.1

Problem Statement

"How to discover and track Physical Things indoors?"

"How to provide context to Physical Things?"

"How to get this context to the user?"

- HP CoolTown Beacon (2000) [26]
- Location-based service using ontology-based semantic queries (2017) [18]
- Manfred Sneps-Sneppe, Dmitry Namiot, "On Physical Web models" (2016)

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Positioning

BLE Specifications UriBeacon

  • Encoded URI to fit within 17 bytes
  • One flag implemented for invisible hint
  • Discontinued in favor of Eddystone-URL

BLE Specifications Eddystone

BLE Specifications iBeacon & AltBeacon

BLE Specifications Bluetooth IPS

Bit (MSB) Description
0 Presence of coordinates in advertising packet
1 Coordinate system used (WGS84 or local)
2 Presence of TX Power field in advertising packet
3 Presence of Altitude field in advertising packet
4 Presence of Floor Number in advertising packet
5 Presence of Uncertainty in advertising packet
6 Location Name avaiable in GATT database


SemBeacon Bluetooth Specification


SemBeacon specification for BLE v4.x

SemBeacon Bluetooth Specification


Based on UriBeacon, Bluetooth IPS and Eddystone frames

Bit (MSB) Description Example
0 Indicates if the beacon has a position. 0 = Unsure, 1 = Yes
1 Indicates if the beacon is private. 0 = Public, 1 = Private
2 Indicates if the beacon is attached to a moving object. 0 = No, 1 = Yes
3 Indicates if the beacon has a positioning system. 0 = No, 1 = Yes
4 Indicates if the beacon has telemetry data. 0 = No, 1 = Yes
5 - 7 Reserved for future use.

SemBeacon Bluetooth Specification

BLE 5.X (Work in Progress)

SemBeacon specification for BLE v5.x

SemBeacon Namespace and Instance

SemBeacon POSO Extension

SemBeacon Device Interactions

M. Bermudez-Edo, T. Elsaleh et al. "IoT-Lite Ontology", November 2015

SemBeacon Method of Discovery

:pl9_3 a ssn:Deployment ;
    rdfs:label "PL9.3"@en ;
    sembeacon:namespaceId "77f340dbac0d..."^^xsd:hexBinary .

:BEACON_08 a sembeacon:SemBeacon ;
    sembeacon:namespace :pl9_3 ;
    sembeacon:instanceId "c187d748"^^xsd:hexBinary ;
    poso:hasPosition [ a ogc:Geometry ;
        ogc:asWKT "POINT Z(...)"^^ogc:wktLiteral ] .

:BEACON_07 a sembeacon:SemBeacon ;
    sembeacon:namespace :pl9_3 ;
    sembeacon:instanceId "00cc38e7"^^xsd:hexBinary ;
    poso:hasPosition [ a ogc:Geometry ;
        ogc:asWKT "POINT Z(...)"^^ogc:wktLiteral ] .

:BEACON_02 a posoc:iBeacon ;
    sembeacon:namespace :pl9_3 ;
    posoc:proximityUUID "77f340dbac0d..."^^xsd:hexBinary ;
    posoc:major 50174 ; posoc:minor 64267 ;
    poso:hasPosition [ a ogc:Geometry ;
        ogc:asWKT "POINT Z(...)"^^ogc:wktLiteral ] .

Demonstrator Dataset & Recreation

- M. Van de Wynckel & B. Signer, OpenHPS Single Floor Dataset (2021)

Demonstrator Transformation

:BEACON_08 a sosa:FeatureOfInterest, ogc:SpatialObject, poso:RFLandmark, 
        poso:BluetoothBeacon, sembeacon:SemBeacon;
    rdfs:label "BEACON_08";
    poso:hasPosition [ a geo:Point, poso:AbsolutePosition;
        ogc:asWKT "POINT Z(4.392253994600526 50.82057562786381 93.5999999962747)"^^ogc:wktLiteral;
        ogc:coordinateDimension 3; ogc:spatialDimension 3; ogc:dimension 3;
        schema:latitude "50.82057562786"^^xsd:double; schema:longitude "4.392253994600"^^xsd:double;
        schema:elevation "93.5999999962"^^xsd:double ];
    posoc:hasReferenceRSSI [
        poso:hasRSS [ a qudt:QuantityValue;
                qudt:unit unit:DeciB_M;
                qudt:numericValue -56 ];
        poso:hasRelativeDistance [ a qudt:QuantityValue;
            qudt:unit unit:M;
            qudt:numericValue 1 ]];
    hardware:macAddress "f7:5c:38:a4:45:ec";
    ogc:sfWithin :pl9_3_corridor;
    sembeacon:namespace :pl9_3;
    sembeacon:shortResourceURI ""^^xsd:anyURI;
    sembeacon:instanceId "c187d748"^^xsd:hexBinary.

Demonstrator Transformation

:pl9_3 a ssn:Deployment, sosa:FeatureOfInterest, ogc:SpatialObject, schema:Accommodation, seas:Floor;
    ogc:hasGeometry [ a ogc:Geometry;
        ogc:asWKT "POLYGON Z((4.3926809491 50.82056 92, 4.3925189891 50.820491195 92, 
            4.3924384904 50.820566477 92, 4.3923227711 50.820517092 92, 4.3924032699 50.820441810 92, 
            4.3922413107 50.820372691 92, 4.3918880594 50.820703046 92, 4.3920500197 50.820772165 92, 
            4.3921796702 50.820650918 95, 4.3922953899 50.820700303 95, 4.3921657397 50.820821550 95, 
            4.3923277009 50.820890669 95, 4.3926809491 50.820560314 92))"^^ogc:wktLiteral;
        ogc:coordinateDimension 3; ogc:spatialDimension 3; ogc:dimension 3 ];
    rdfs:label "PL9.3";
    sembeacon:namespaceId "77f340dbac0d20e8aa3af656a29f236c"^^xsd:hexBinary .
:pl9_3_lobby_1 a schema:Place, ssn:Deployment, sosa:FeatureOfInterest, ogc:SpatialObject;
    ogc:hasGeometry [ a ogc:Geometry;
        ogc:asWKT "POLYGON Z((4.392281317197596 50.82061024217639 92, 
            4.39223788808538 50.82065085654958 92, 4.392153959019106 50.82061503844629 92, 
            4.392197388204323 50.8205744240731 92, 4.392281317197596 50.820610242176386 94,
            4.392237888085379 50.82065085654958 95, 4.392153959019106 50.82061503844629 95, 
            4.392197388204322 50.8205744240731 94, 
            4.392281317197596 50.82061024217639 92))"^^ogc:wktLiteral;
        ogc:coordinateDimension 3; ogc:spatialDimension 3; ogc:dimension 3 ];
    rdfs:label "Lobby #1" .

Demonstrator Mobile Application

  • Scans and Simulates SemBeacon, iBeacon, AltBeacon and Eddystone
  • Extracts and visualises SemBeacon encoded information
  • Implements HTTP caching and namespace mapping to environments

Supplemental Material

  • Android Application to scan and broadcast SemBeacons
    Created using Ionic Capacitor and @sembeacon/openhps
  • Arduino ESP32 Library to advertise SemBeacon
    Available in the Arduino IDE as "ESP32_SemBeacon"
  • Android library extension to identify SemBeacons
    Using the AltBeacon Beacon Library
  • TypeScript library to create and detect SemBeacons
    Using the OpenHPS framework (@sembeacon/openhps)

Conclusion and Future Work

  • Semantic beacon solution called SemBeacon
  • Describes beacons, environments and all devices within
  • Backwards compatible, offline identification, scalable
  • Expanding the vocabulary to facilitate device interactions
  • Expanding to Solid Pods to enable the advertising of digital twins