Find data globally about a particular location
Find data locally at a particular location
Discovery of geospatial data through the very locations it represents, rather than predefined services.
How to discover data without relying on a discovery service?
How to understand the discovered data?
How to understand the discovered data?
For more information, visit the FOSDEM 2022 talk of OpenHPS.
const position = new GeographicalPosition();
dbr:Some_Unversity a ssn:Deployment .
<deployment/building_a> a poso:IndoorDeployment, geosparql:Feature ;
rdfs:label "Building A"@en ;
geosparql:hasGeometry [
a geosparql:Geometry ;
geosparql:asWKT "..."^^geosparql:wktLiteral ] .
<system/OPS> a poso:LocationBasedService ;
rdfs:label "Outdoor campus positioning"@en ;
ssn:hasSubSystem posoc:GPS ;
ssn:hasDeployment dbr:Some_University .
<system/IPS> a poso:IndoorPositioningSystem ;
rdfs:label "Indoor campus positioning"@en ;
ssn:hasDeployment <deployment/building_a> ;
ssn:implements posoc:KNNFingerprinting .
<system/CampusPositioning> a poso:IntegratedPositioningSystem ;
rdfs:label "Hybrid campus positioning system"@en ;
ssn:hasSubSystem <system/OPS>, <system/IPS> ;
ssn:implements posoc:WeightedAccuracyFusion .
dbr:Some_Unversity a ssn:Deployment .
<deployment/building_a> a poso:IndoorDeployment, geosparql:Feature ;
rdfs:label "Building A"@en ;
geosparql:hasGeometry [
a geosparql:Geometry ;
geosparql:asWKT "..."^^geosparql:wktLiteral ] .
<system/OPS> a poso:LocationBasedService ;
rdfs:label "Outdoor campus positioning"@en ;
ssn:hasSubSystem posoc:GPS ;
ssn:hasDeployment dbr:Some_University .
<system/IPS> a poso:IndoorPositioningSystem ;
rdfs:label "Indoor campus positioning"@en ;
ssn:hasDeployment <deployment/building_a> ;
ssn:implements posoc:KNNFingerprinting .
<system/CampusPositioning> a poso:IntegratedPositioningSystem ;
rdfs:label "Hybrid campus positioning system"@en ;
ssn:hasSubSystem <system/OPS>, <system/IPS> ;
ssn:implements posoc:WeightedAccuracyFusion .
Bit (MSB) | Description | Example |
0 | Indicates if the beacon has a position. | 0 = Unsure, 1 = Yes |
1 | Indicates if the beacon requires authentication. | 0 = Public, 1 = Private |
2 | Indicates if the beacon is attached to a moving object. | 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
3 | Indicates if the beacon has a positioning system. | 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
4 | Indicates if the beacon has observable data. | 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
5 | Indicates if the beacon provides actuable properties. | 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
6 - 7 | Reserved for future use. |
Bit | Axiom |
0 | poso:hasPosition min 1 poso:AbsolutePosition |
1 | N.a. |
2 | N.a. |
3 | poso:inDeployment min 1 ssn:Deployment |
4 | ssn:hasProperty min 1 sosa:ObserableProperty |
5 | ssn:hasProperty min 1 sosa:ActuatableProperty |
6 - 7 | Reserved for future use. |
:pl9_3 a ssn:Deployment, sosa:FeatureOfInterest, ogc:SpatialObject, schema:Accommodation, seas:Floor;
rdfs:label "PL9.3"; ogc:sfWithin :pl9;
schema:hasMap [ a schema:Map;
schema:mapType "floorPlan";
schema:image "*%3DUTF-8%27%27floorplan_medium%25401.png";
schema:spatialCoverage [ a schema:Place;
ogc:hasGeometry [ a ogc:Geometry;
ogc:asWKT "POLYGON Z((4.392680949135989 50.820560314350246 91.99999999906868, 4.392518989118047 50.82049119550264 91.99999999906868, 4.39243849045628 50.82056647750913 92.00000000093132, 4.392322771133238 50.82051709238308 91.99999999906868, 4.3924032699815685 50.82044181037657 91.99999999906868, 4.392241310785677 50.82037269114458 92, 4.391888059447844 50.82070304624146 91.99999999906868, 4.3920500197895525 50.82077216547346 91.99999999813735, 4.392179670282718 50.820650918644354 91.99999999813735, 4.392295389937405 50.820700303770394 92.00000000093132, 4.392165739744715 50.8208215505995 91.99999999906868, 4.3923277009084885 50.82089066944712 91.99999999906868, 4.392680949135989 50.820560314350246 94.99999999906868, 4.392518989118048 50.82049119550264 94.99999999906868, 4.392438490456279 50.82056647750913 95.00000000093132, 4.392322771133238 50.82051709238309 95, 4.392403269981569 50.82044181037658 95.00000000093132, 4.392241310785677 50.82037269114457 94.99999999906868, 4.391888059447844 50.82070304624145 95, 4.392050019789552 50.82077216547345 94.99999999813735, 4.392179670282718 50.82065091864436 94.99999999813735, 4.392295389937405 50.82070030377039 95.00000000093132, 4.392165739744715 50.82082155059949 94.99999999813735, 4.3923277009084885 50.82089066944712 94.99999999906868, 4.392680949135989 50.820560314350246 91.99999999906868))"^^ogc:wktLiteral;
ogc:coordinateDimension 3; ogc:spatialDimension 3;
ogc:dimension 3 ];
] ;
schema:floorLevel "3";
ogc:hasGeometry [ a ogc:Geometry;
ogc:asWKT "POLYGON Z((4.392680949135989 50.820560314350246 91.99999999906868, 4.392518989118047 50.82049119550264 91.99999999906868, 4.39243849045628 50.82056647750913 92.00000000093132, 4.392322771133238 50.82051709238308 91.99999999906868, 4.3924032699815685 50.82044181037657 91.99999999906868, 4.392241310785677 50.82037269114458 92, 4.391888059447844 50.82070304624146 91.99999999906868, 4.3920500197895525 50.82077216547346 91.99999999813735, 4.392179670282718 50.820650918644354 91.99999999813735, 4.392295389937405 50.820700303770394 92.00000000093132, 4.392165739744715 50.8208215505995 91.99999999906868, 4.3923277009084885 50.82089066944712 91.99999999906868, 4.392680949135989 50.820560314350246 94.99999999906868, 4.392518989118048 50.82049119550264 94.99999999906868, 4.392438490456279 50.82056647750913 95.00000000093132, 4.392322771133238 50.82051709238309 95, 4.392403269981569 50.82044181037658 95.00000000093132, 4.392241310785677 50.82037269114457 94.99999999906868, 4.391888059447844 50.82070304624145 95, 4.392050019789552 50.82077216547345 94.99999999813735, 4.392179670282718 50.82065091864436 94.99999999813735, 4.392295389937405 50.82070030377039 95.00000000093132, 4.392165739744715 50.82082155059949 94.99999999813735, 4.3923277009084885 50.82089066944712 94.99999999906868, 4.392680949135989 50.820560314350246 91.99999999906868))"^^ogc:wktLiteral;
ogc:coordinateDimension 3; ogc:spatialDimension 3;
ogc:dimension 3 ];
sembeacon:namespaceId "77f340dbac0d20e8aa3af656a29f236c"^^xsd:hexBinary.